المواد التي قام بتدريسها

(أ‌)               مرحلة البكالوريوس

1)            EE 101 Introduction to Computers

2)            EE 251 Introduction to Electrical Engineering.

3)            EE 312 Electronics II

4)            EE 341 Electromechanical Energy Conversion (1)

5)            EE 351 Electrical Power Systems

6)            EE352 Electronics &Electrical Machines for M.E.

7)            EE 441 Electromechanical Energy Conversion (2)

8)            EE 442 Power Electronics

9)            EE 453 Electrical Transmission and Distribution

10)        EE 457 Utilization of Electrical Energy.

11)        EE 499 B. Sc. Projects


(ب‌)          مرحلة الماجستير

1)            EE 503 Power System Operation and Control

2)            EE 505 Advanced P.S. Analysis

3)            EE 508 The General Theory of Elect. Machines.

4)            EE 504 Power Systems Dynamics.

5)            EE 512 Special Topics in EE.

6)            EE 599 M. Sc. Thesis.

آخر تحديث
11/25/2008 4:56:35 PM